All About Frogs for Kids

Frog Facts and Activities

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Anatomy of the frog

The Case of the Disappearing Frogs
Teachers can find activities here for children

Virtual Frog Builder Game
This game tests your knowledge of the 3D spatial relationships between the organs in the frog. The game starts with an image of the nerves in the frog.

Frog Anatomy & Physiology Tutorials
Interesting. Lots of pictures.

Jurassic frogs

Frog Species
If you are looking for information on species, this one is for you.

How to dissect a frog
Step by step instructions with pictures. Good site. for you.

How do frogs survive winter? Why don't they freeze to death?
Find out your answer from here. for you.

Deformed Frogs in Minnesota
Find out what caused the deformities. for you.

If you looking for pictures of frogs, this site has lots of colourful pictures for you.

IMPORTANT : COPYRIGHT : Please do not use any of the graphics here for your homepage. They are my own drawings unless otherwise stated. If you wish to have frog cliparts for your homepage, please get it from our clipart page. However, they are not for your homepage clipart collection. I would also like to give credit to Phillip Martin for using some of his cliparts.

DISCLAIMER : This is a disclaimer. We try to gather information that are as accurate as possible. However, if there are mistakes, we will not be held liable for anything. Use it at your own discretion.
IMPORTANT : We are not responsible for any links beyond our site.